March 10, 2008

this one's for colleen

as colleen wanted an update because my life is so very exciting right now, nothing like someone experiencing new zealand for the first time.

i do believe (hope) that spring is making its way here. the last couple days have been beautiful and the white snow is changing to a dirty, crusty ice snow. then it becomes water that is pooling in all the low spots and dripping off everything that held snow for so long. you can hear the birds and not just the pigeons. people are starting to come out of their homes and the bikes are becoming a more popular sight. the days are longer as the sun comes out sooner and hangs out a little longer.

learning good God lessons, persevering through some stuff but have been encouraged.

still waiting on the job front...

1 comment:

Colleen's Story said...

thanks Nicole, i appreciated it.