September 30, 2008

been a while

i realize that i haven't updated this blog for a while now. most people during the summer months are away from the computer because they are doing summer like things. camping, the lake or holiday. i was just away because i've been working. my holiday is coming just around the corner. i'm going to india in a week and a half. a friend i made during my time there is getting married. i honestly didn't think i would be going back so quickly. however, i'm excited. time off work right before the busiest time in the year. hopefully some good time of reflection, reconnecting, cultural awareness and travel. i'll leave you with two pictures. one, a good fall prairie sunset.

the other a shot of the tracks near where i live, sort of a reflective shot, even though it is a shot of a straight portion of the tracks there is a bend near by. i feel like i'm headed to that bend, so we'll see.

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

That's really neat that you are going back to India. Have fun!